Jill Biden privately pleads with Joe to stop Gaza’s suffering, report says

As the war in Gaza continues, growing numbers of Democrats have called on President Biden to do more to increase humanitarian aid and end the violence

Ariana Baio
Thursday 04 April 2024 15:13 BST
Related: Krishnan Guru-Murthy clashes with Israeli spokesman over aid workers killed in Gaza

First Lady Dr Jill Biden is reportedly one of the strongest voices calling for the end of civilian deaths in Gaza in the White House and has been urging her husband, President Joe Biden, to help cease the violence.

Earlier this week, Mr Biden met with Muslim community members – something the first lady allegedly said she disapproved of because of Mr Biden’s support of Israel in the conflict with Hamas, according to a New York Times report.

One meeting attendee, Salima Suswell, the founder of the Black Muslim Leadership Council, said that Mr Biden recounted that Dr Biden had been urging him to, “stop it, stop it now”.

The first lady’s plea comes as human rights organisations warn world leaders that innocent Palestinians are facing threats of starvation and disease with little access to humanitarian aid. Just this week, seven World Central Kitchen workers who were delivering food to civilians in Gaza were killed by an Israeli airstrike.

White House officials told The New York Times on Wednesday that Mr Biden shares the same outrage and concern for civilians in Gaza as Dr Biden.

Jill Biden speaks during a reception honouring Women’s History Month on 18 March 2024
Jill Biden speaks during a reception honouring Women’s History Month on 18 March 2024 (AFP via Getty)

As the war in Gaza wages on, more Democrats have pressed Mr Biden to do more to increase humanitarian aid and end the war.

Lawmakers in the US have become less willing to support legislation that backs Israel without stipulations that require countries who receive US military assistance to comply with international law.

Mr Biden was a fervent supporter of Israel in the days after the 7 October attack, sending military assistance in its fight against Hamas. But in recent months, his support has become quieter as the conflict becomes bloodier and more innocent Palestinians are killed.

Following the killing of the seven World Central Kitchen workers, Mr Biden launched his harshest critique of Israel, saying they have “not done enough” to avoid attacks on innocent lives.

Even voters have expressed opposition to Mr Biden’s position on the war in Gaza by refusing to cast primary ballots in his favour, instead leaving them blank.

Dr Biden urging Mr Biden is apparently tied to her long-held disfavour of American involvement in international conflicts. This is, in part, due to Beau Biden’s service in the Delaware Army National Guard in 2003, which led him to serving in Iraq in 2008.

The first lady supported the decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

Mr Biden is set to speak with Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Thursday.

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